Many parents ask about the eruption of baby teeth. Your baby’s first tooth is very exciting for both you and your baby. Babies usually get their first baby teeth at around 6-9 months old. However in some cases the first tooth can emerge as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months.
The first tooth to erupt is almost always one of the bottom front teeth. It is very rare for any other tooth to erupt before this central incisor. The two bottom front teeth come first, then the top front teeth. If your baby is around 6 months of age and seems particularly irritable or grizzly, it could be because of the eruption of their first baby teeth.
It is important to try and clean your baby’s teeth as soon as they come through. There are a few ways to clean these tiny teeth. You can use a small soft toothbrush or a small brush that fits onto your finger (finger brush) or a very clean face cloth to wipe over the teeth.
Brushing your baby’s teeth is not always easy and can be a challenge! A helpful tip is to distract your child so you can brush their teeth easier. Some parents distract their baby by counting when brushing, brushing to music, letting your child hold a toy with different textures or singing.
As your baby grows, they should visit the dentist at around 3 years old or earlier. It’s important to visit the dentist before any concerns arise with the teeth. This ensures the appointment can be positive and preventive, rather than trying to fix problems. Provide your children with positive reinforcement and praise when visiting the dentist. Children are then often excited about getting their teeth checked and the experience can be a lot of fun.
Make sure your dentist is good at working with children so the appointment is fun. Your local My Kids Dentist is a kid-friendly dentist – make your appointment today.
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