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Baby Teeth

What are Baby Teeth?

baby teeth Baby teeth, also called as milk teeth, temporary teeth or deciduous teeth, are the first set of teeth your baby will get. The baby teeth start developing when your baby is still an embryo. When your baby is born, almost all their baby teeth are formed and are hidden under their gums.

When will my Baby get their First Tooth?

Your baby’s first tooth should start erupting (emerging) at 6-9 months of age. However in some cases the first tooth can emerge as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months. Baby teeth continue to emerge until your child is around 27 months, by which time they should have their full set of baby teeth.

Do my Baby’s Teeth Need Extra Fluoride?

Fluoride helps to protect teeth. Fluoride can be obtained through fluoride toothpaste, fluoridated water and fluoride supplements. Fluoride supplements do not provide the same benefit as fluoridated water. If your water supply is not fluoridated, seek advice on your options from a dental professional.

Opinions about fluoride vary – if in doubt, seek advice from your family dentist to ensure your child’s teeth get the care they need.

When Should I Take My Baby for their First Dental Visit?

As your baby grows, they should visit the dentist at around 3 years old or earlier. It’s important to visit the dentist before any concerns arise with the teeth. This ensures the appointment can be positive and preventive, rather than trying to fix problems.

How do Baby Teeth Affect My Child’s Permanent Teeth?

Baby teeth are considered essential in the development of the child’s mouth. You may notice that baby teeth usually have spaces between them. These spaces help make sure there is enough room for the permanent teeth. If the baby teeth are too close, the child’s adult teeth will not have enough room to come in, or they may be “crowded” and require orthodontics.